Estimated Transfer Time (BPS.EXE) for Windows Introduction: BPS.EXE is designed to give you an estimate of how long it will take to transfer a file via serial communications. The program provides information on speeds from 300 bps to 115200 bps, both best and worst case. You can select one file or a group of files to examine. This program is Freeware. There is no charge for using it. Please see the Disclaimer & Legal Stuff section of this document or VENDOR.DOC for further information concerning distribution. Installation: BPS.EXE is written in Visual Basic 2.0 and requires the following libraries: VBRUN200.DLL GRID.VBX I've included GRID.VBX in this package. VBRUN200.DLL is readily available from online services and from shareware vendors. If you don't already have GRID.VBX installed in your WINDOWS/SYSTEM directory, you may want to put it there so that you'll have it available for other Visual Basic programs that might need it. How To Use BPS.EXE: You may run BPS.EXE from the Program Manager File|Run menu selection or any other way you normally start Windows applications. Once the program is up, select the drive, directory and file that you would like transfer information about. As you select each file, its size is added to the total files/bytes analyzed. Use the scroll bar below the grid to view bps rates not currently displayed. You can select multiple files by dragging down the list or by using the CTRL-click combination to select files that are not adjacent in the list box. Whats The Difference Between Best and Worst Case Times?: Worst case time is an estimate of the time that a standard 128 byte block XModem CRC transfer will take. Best case time is an estimate of a faster 1024 byte block transfer with advanced error checking features. It should be what you would get with Ymodem or Zmodem transfers. Note that hardware, telephone line conditions, transfer protocols, data compression and many other factors can affect transfer times. The estimates given in BPS.EXE should not be considered written in stone. As they say, your mileage may vary. Disclaimer & Legal Stuff: Estimated Transfer Time (BPS.EXE) is Copyright 1993 by J. Frank Carr. All rights reserved. GRID.VBX and VBRUN200.DLL are, of course, copyright by Microsoft. Estimated Transfer Time (BPS.EXE) is FreeWare. You can use it as you wish for your own personal use. You may upload it to free BBS systems as long as the entire package is distributed as a whole. For permission and information about including and distributing Estimated Transfer Time (BPS.EXE) in a collection of shareware/freeware or on a pay-for-use BBS system, please see VENDOR.DOC or contact J. Frank Carr at the address given in the Comments & Suggestions section of this document. J. Frank Carr makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this software or its documentation, including, but not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. J. Frank Carr shall not be liable for errors or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this product. The software and the information contained in the documentation are subject to change without notice. Comments & Suggestions: I would like to hear from anyone who gets any use out of this program, or anyone who encounters any problems or bugs with it, or anyone who has changes or enhancements they would like to see. Should I get enough feedback on this program, I'll probably make enhancements to it. I am also available for programming projects and consulting in Visual Basic. Contact me as listed below for information regarding my availibility and prices. You may contact me at: J. Frank Carr 1532 Amber Trail Duluth, GA 30136 USA Voice Mail: (404) 880-5762 CIS: 75120, 2420 America OnLine: JFCarr